简介: In Josh Sternfeld's meticulously crafted murder mystery, a Catskills police detective (Nick Stahl) charged with investigating a juvenile homicide in an affluent suburb finds he must return to his struggling hometown of Caswell to find the killers. As his investigation picks up intensity, the grieving mother begins a battle of will and vengeance with members of Caswell, igniting a class war between two vastly different towns in rural America.
3.0 莉莉·柯林斯/康妮·尼尔森/西蒙·佩吉/切斯·克劳福/马克·理查德森二世/迈克尔·比奇/克里斯·加恩/何塞·埃雷拉/克莉丝缇娜·德萝莎/哈里森·斯通/帕特里克·沃伯顿/艾米丽·托尔斯/塔利·拉夫拉米/Rebecca Adams/Mariyah Francis/Lucas Alexander Ayoub/Jim E. Chandler/Warren McLemore/